
May 29, 2017

After sixteen years in practice and six years in solo private practice as Streeterville Internal Medicine, LLC, I am excited to announce that I have transitioned the structure of my practice to a concierge/personalized care model. The new practice is named Rachel O’Mara, MD, LLC and the change is effective June 1, 2017.

Yesterday, I was particularly pensive about the change. I joined my family on the “Bike the Drive” and enjoyed the diversity – in every respect of the word – and the community feeling of so many people enjoying our gorgeous lakefront in a very healthy way (including helmets on everyone I saw in the huge crowds).

It made me think of the diversity of the personal situations of my existing patients who have chosen to make this move with me. I’ve learned throughout the course of my medical career that there are as many different health needs as there are types of people, but that all of us are seeking a comprehensive health model that looks beyond responding to physical ailments to a broader vision of enduring wellness of mind and body.  It’s not enough for us to not be sick: we all wish to be well.

Doctors today are forced to see far more patients than is advisable under traditional practice models. Physicians practice medicine defensively – playing odds and using checklists. I am excited to be able to continue to treat each of my patients as more than a checklist, more than a test or a prescription. I take pride in taking time to come up with the right diagnosis for each of you. I thrive when you thrive, and I demand of myself a thorough understanding of what is going on with you, both at our appointments and between visits.

I will emphasize a comprehensive approach to prevention and disease management. I am very much looking forward to providing guidance and care in a personalized manner to help each of my patients achieve optimal wellness.

Very truly yours,

Rachel O'Mara, MD